Your body says "Love yourself"

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About 500 names the most common diseases and ailments in alphabetical order - that is, once a popular medical reference book?

Yes, there is a simple, concise information about diseases and their symptoms. But the main feature of the book is that all the diseases in it, from the common cold and itching to cancer and AIDS are treated just like ... symptoms.

Symptoms of what?

The symptoms of the only serious disease - disorder in our psyche, or, if you will, the soul. Yes, it is metaphysics. The man has not yet learned (and is unlikely to learn) to treat mental disorders with the help of tablets or scalpel. But this does not mean that a person is powerless.

Man is omnipotent, he - God. But he forgot about it. Carried away by the temptations of the physical being. And, of course, it is now paying the price.

It's time to remember. The Age of Aquarius is not far off ...

The book is sensible, written in plain language, gives a good idea of \u200b\u200bhow ill conceived, greatly facilitates the process of finding the causes of diseases, a cut in the mind. Changing umonastroy you can not only recover but also to transform any area of \u200b\u200byour life.

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