The influence of education systems

Kozlitina ON

The influence of education systems in the formation of personal structure at youth


Diss. ... Kand.psihol.nauk


151 p.



Chapter 1. The theoretical justification psychotypological constitutional issues and personal variability at youth in modern Russia

1.1. Personal - typological constitutional variability.

1.2. Characteristics of personal variability of character accentuations to abnormal variation in a constitutional personal kontinume.

1.3. The causes and conditions of personal variability of subjects in higher education.

CHAPTER 2. Materials and methods of experimental psychological study of students in the subject-object interaction.

2.1. Selection of study participants.

2.2. Psychological research methods and techniques

2.3. The statistical treatment of results of research

CHAPTER 3-psychotypological constitutional and moral characteristics of the subjects in higher education.

3.1. Higher education as a system-forming factor of moral consciousness of the individual student

3.2. Features of moral feelings and behavior of students, representing the higher education system

3.3. A comparative analysis of multi-dimensional psychological students of different ranges of constitutionally-space continuum of personality.



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