Virtual fortuneteller Lenormand

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Thanks to the "Virtual Lenormand fortune-teller," You will receive an analysis of the current situation in life, determine the strategy of relations with your partner, get advice on business issues and health issues, know their future and even find lost objects and things.

Thousands of card meanings and their combinations, eight popular layouts, calendar divination, help real experts in dark, customizable view cards, shirts and backgrounds - it's all available at the "Virtual Lenormand fortune-teller."

Eight traditional card Cartomancy Lenormand based on a century of experience

Huge constantly updated and corrected base values \u200b\u200balignment of cards

Assessment of the value of a futuristic location maps (if required by divination)

Preliminary analysis of the position of cards and their values

Spectacular animation layouts

Full interactivity and intuitive interface

The value of cards depending on the adjacent on-shuffling

Master of Cards questioner

Sound Effects

Three option packs (French, Russian, Belgian)

Three variants of the "shirts"

Six options backgrounds

Calendar of divination in three main systems

Service alignment of reference for the interpretation of the individual professional fortuneteller (paid service)

In the full version of the 2009 "Virtual fortune-teller Lenormand" available following traditional card classifications:

Alignment to search

Gypsy alignment

Numerological alignment

Defining identity card

Short alignment

The balance of "Seven Houses"

Great layout

Alignment of love