Twitter subscribers mix

Sold 2
Refunds 0
Good feedbacks 0
Bad feedbacks 0

Subscribers will not be added all at once, but gradually

Processing of your order will be started within 1 minute to 12 hours

To complete an order, you must have a link to your Twitter profile where you can add subscribers. If you have a closed profile, open it before ordering and do not close it until the order is completed!
After payment you will receive a unique 16-digit payment confirmation CODE.
To complete the transaction, follow these steps:

Option A:
1) On the purchase page, under the "contact information" and "additional information" form, put a tick in the checkbox opposite "yes, I want to immediately send a unique code to the seller."
2) Click SAVE. (The code will be sent to the seller automatically).

Option B:
1) On the purchase page, copy the received unique code to the clipboard.
2) Scroll down the page and click the "CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE SELLER" button.
3) Paste the unique code from the clipboard into the message and click "SEND MESSAGE".