Theory for the Giant

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Earlier, the Giant was one of the internal practical complexes, and no one from outside was allowed to study it completely. But, with the development of the new system and the development of increasingly in-depth and effective methods, it was decided to gradually begin open training in some basic practices and complexes, including the Giant.

The practical material presented here (in a separate file) will be much more understandable and useful along with this theoretical part.
The "Giant" complex will allow you to master the first basic techniques of "non-ritual magic" - real impact on the outside world without the help of rituals, spells and appeals to any Powers. At the same time, we also dispense with fantasies on the subject of fireballs and all kinds of visualizations, relying mainly on the possibilities of human consciousness and perception.

"Giant" is built so that it can be applied in any field of life. In particular, he will teach you:
- Perceive the world "as it is." With all its aspects, levels, etc. within the framework of a single personal picture.
- Treat and cripple. Diagnose and call. Change pictures of any probabilities and attract the ones you need. The choice of deeds is yours, and common tools for this will be given.
- Turn almost any negative directed in your direction into free and useful recharge. Yes, it is possible and it really does happen :)
- Correct the probabilities generated by the mistakes of the past.

How it works?

The work of the Giant complex is based on changing the perception of reality with the help of relatively simple keys that do not clog the head with mysticism, but simply remove some root locks that are “stitched” in the human mind.

Material Volume:

This archive is the first block of articles devoted to the theoretical base of the Giant complex.
There are a total of 14 A4 sheets in a file, font 12.

Table of contents:

Introduction to the Course
General information
PIN principle
Introductory word.
Let's get back to our “giants”.
About theses