The organization of the personnel bookselling business

Job type: Coursework

Discipline: Management

Subject: Organization of the personnel bookselling businesses, functions and objectives of management for the rational organization of the personnel.


Introduction ............. 2

1 Theoretical aspects of the organization of the personnel Bookselling Company .... 4

1.1 The essence and elements of the organization of the personnel ..... 4

1.2 Features of the organization and regulation of labor in the bookselling companies ...... 9

2 Analysis of the organization of the personnel of JSC "Olma Media Group" .... 15

2.1 Organizational and personnel characteristics of JSC "Olma Media Group" .... 15

2.2 Assessment of the organization of the personnel of JSC "Olma Media Group" ....... 19

2.3 Recommendations on improving the organization of work of personnel of "Olma Media Group" ........... 26

Summary .......... 30

References ......... 31
Completion Year: 2014

Rating: Excellent

Antiplagiat - 58%