Summary catalog of coins of imperial Russia

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This book is not a scientific study in the field of numismatics. This is an attempt to create a union catalog - a collection of all known to the author of the types of options and the main varieties of coins Imperial Russia from 1699 to 1917. It is a practical guide designed to help collectors, both beginners and experienced, to understand the bulk of Russian coins, classify, separate the replica from genuine coins and determine the level of possible prices for this item. Prices are based on an analysis of the auction catalog of Russian coins of the last century.
The catalog presents to only the original but replica coins, because a lot of coin collectors collect Novodel.
The book shows the image of about 3,500 coins. Illustrations are mainly drawn from the tables "Corps of Russian coins" Mikhailovich, "Atlas of coins Peter I" and I.I.Gornunga V.Ya.Roshfona books V.V.Uzdenikova "Russian Coins" and numerous auction catalogs Russian coins are used as photos of the author.
Author: Vladimir Bitkin
Publisher: Juno-coin
ISBN 966-95501-4-9; 2000
Number of pages: 630
The book is in pdf format