Advertising in the group VK Place the post for free

If the total amount of your purchases from the seller 314com more than:
- 10 $ the discount is 30%
- 6 $ the discount is 20%

Sold 0
Refunds 0
Good feedbacks 0
Bad feedbacks 0

We suggest placing your advertisement in one of the most popular VKontakte groups here
Attendance of this community is about 2500 people per day (confirmation in the photo). This means that so many people will be able to see your advertisement for only 85 rubles. per day. This is almost a gift, because others have this price several times higher. If you place an order for a few days, let's agree on a discount of up to 30%.
Your advertisement will be published at the very top of the group and fixed on this site for the entire time of publication - that we guarantee attention to your ad.
The text for placement can be any, you will compose as you wish. It is possible to attach photos, videos in any quantity.

BONUS !!!!!!!!!!!!
Having made an order to place advertising in the specified community, we will absolutely FREE place your advertisement in this group also

When you pay, indicate your current e-mail, we will contact you as soon as possible and agree on the text and terms of placement.
Immediately after payment you will receive a form to fill out the registration data, in which you will have to fill out the following fields:
- The e-mail address (email);
These data will be transferred to the seller to complete the purchase and sale of the goods.