Reference book for drawing teachers, 1911

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Vintage drawing tutorial, pre-revolutionary edition. The old spelling. Illustrations.
Quick Guide to the study of forms and to draw on the American system. Reference book for drawing teachers, made by German Lucas American edition.
Tutorial series outlining the content of tasks and exercises for students on the subject of drawing in school and real school.

Direct link to the file, PDF file, scanning.
From the preface of Herman Lucas:

"This work is dedicated to all the friends of rational teaching drawing; it is the translation of the American edition, created an era in the teaching of drawing purpose and direction of the reader will find quite clearly outlined by the very first pages of the book The further reading it finds teaching experience preparers who.. using, as a teaching material is sometimes difficult subjects, students get acquainted with them in a very visible and comprehensible form.
... "
(Original spelling changed in the quote)