production of school control program

Production Control Program Sample for school, composed in 2019. (Word format) file contains: a program of industrial inspection, laboratory testing program, the range of factors.
program sections:
Passport data; Regulations; The list of functions for the implementation of production control; Control of the applied disinfectants; San.epid cleaning regimes and processing facilities; Organization of collection and disposal of waste; A list of job positions to be honey. inspections; Forms for the medical check-up studies; Professional hygienic training and certification; Events providing study Safety for humans and the environment ...; Map of critical control points; Hygiene and bacteriological research; Measures needed to exercise effective control ...; Vaccine; The list of possible emergencies; Recommended forms of accounting and reporting in accordance with applicable law; The list of registration forms for the observance of sanitary legislation; The list of reporting forms to comply with the sanitary legislation; The list of factors for the research; laboratory control program; The range of factors; Forms magazines.