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✅Get data from your account instantly after purchase! Select the account region you need. To pay without commissions, select LAVA - it is already selected by default. This will be your personal account registered by the seller. After the purchase, you will become the first account owner. There are no game locks or phone bindings on the account. Data from the account will be provided in the form of mail and a password from the mail, as well as a username and password from the Steam account. Be sure to change your email and password on your Steam account after purchase. To change your email, click "About account", scroll to the "CONTACT INFORMATION" header and click "Change email address". To change your password, click "About account", scroll to the "ACCOUNT PROTECTION" heading and click "Change password". If you choose "Account registration immediately for your data and the desired region", enter your data (email, login, password) in the "Correspondence with the seller" after payment. Please note that since the account is registered by a person, it may take you some time to wait for it to appear on the network. ✅
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