Verification work on the mat methods of psychology

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5 problems with the decision.

Task №1

Assessment of memory performed by the method of AR Luria. Students 2nd year psychology department BSPU offers a set of 10 words. It is necessary to carry out the primary processing of the results:

a) Determine the sample mean on the following results:

Group Memory Capacity

1 Short 17, 10, 13, 19, 18, 2, 18, 10, 6, 11

b) the variance in terms granted to the Group 1;

c) Determine the median of the following results:

Group Memory Capacity

Long-2 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7

d) Determine the mode for the following indicators:

Group Memory Capacity

Long-2 3, 3, 2, 4, 5, 2, 6, 7, 2, 9

Task №2

Among the students of 6, 8, 9, 10 middle school classes Starosemenkinskoy testing method determined the level of sociability. Can we say that the transition from one class to another student increases sociability?

Code of Student Grade 6 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10

1 10 12 16 18

2 9 10 15 26

3 12 8 17 17

April 7 October 21 20

5 8 11 15 17

Task №3

The following table summarizes the changes in time for solving anagrams in an experiment to study the intellectual perseverance (EV Sidorenko, 1984). Anagrams had to choose in such a way as to gradually prepare to test the most difficult, in fact impossible task. In other words, the subject had to gradually get used to the fact that the problems are becoming more and more difficult, and that on each subsequent anagram he had to spend more time.

The code name of the test Anagram 1: CROIX (ARM) 2 Anagram: Aalst (STEEL) Anagram 3: INAAMSH (CAR)

1. 5235 7

2. 7604 20

3 2 93 5

4. 2171 8

5. 35 141 7

Amounts 51 47 1244

Average 10.2 248 9.4 8

The accuracy of any differences in time solving anagrams subjects?

Task №4

In a study of the social atom thresholds of professional psychologists were asked to identify the frequency with which they occur in the notebook male and female names of fellow psychologists.

Note. Social atoms "... it consists of all relations between man and the people around him, who are currently in some way connected with it» (Moreno JL, 1951).

Empirical frequency are presented in the table.

Men Women Number of people

Psychologist X 22 A 45 B 67

Psychologist have 59 109 T 168

Amounts 81,154,235

Determine whether the distribution of male and female names in X psychologist and psychologist have also women.

Setting №5

Observations of the 12 students of the second year of college in the variable "marital status" and "expulsion from the College," are shown in Table (Glass, Stanley):

Marital status of the student number (X) Single - 1; Single - have removed 0 - 1; remaining - 0

1 0 0

2. January 1

3 0 1

4. 0 0

5. January 1

6 1 0

7 0 0

8. January 1

0 9. 0

10. 0 1

11 0 0

12. January 1

Calculate the Association Pearson