Carlos Gonzalez - My child does not want to eat

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"My child does not eat anything!" How to feed the child? How to make a child eat vegetables (porridge, meat)? "- Parents often have such complaints and questions. Many children spend many hours a day for "food", or rather - in the fight against their parents over a plate with food. In fact, our "bad eaters" do not eat as little as we think.

Children who eat badly are always worrisome, mainly because of the difference between parents' expectations and how much they actually eat. It disappears only when the child begins to eat more or when the expectations of relatives and friends change. It is almost impossible to make a child eat more than he needs (and this is good, because overeating can be dangerous). The purpose of this book is to help the reader reduce the requirements for the child and bring his expectations into line with reality.

The main idea of ​​this book is not to force a child to eat. This is not a methodical guide to increasing appetite. Treat this idea as a manifestation of your love and respect for the child. When you stop making the child eat, it will still eat as much as before, but without the suffering and struggle that has so far accompanied every meal. If you are pregnant or have a very young child, or maybe you are thinking about a second child and do not want to repeat previous mistakes while feeding children - this book is for you.
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