As a difficult customer to make happy.

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As a difficult customer to make happy. Rules, techniques and techniques

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Igor Zorin's new book is written for sellers, sales managers, managers of trading companies, all those who by virtue of their professional rights and duties directly contact customers - customers. The book details and classifies the most frequently encountered types of difficult clients, and the rules and techniques for working with them are explained simply and clearly. The book is equally accessible and useful to both novice sellers and "experienced" managers. Reading the book, you'll get full access to the arsenal with the methods and can "arm" of the proposed taking only what you see fit, and sufficient. What you can understand and accept. What will be your "hand", what you can really believe. You will receive time-tested and practical weapons that will help you cope not only with any of His Majesty the Difficult Customer, but with yourself.

The book "How to make a difficult client happy. Rules, techniques and techniques" from the business coach Igor Zorin is necessary for everyone who, in the nature of his activities, communicates with customers. How to understand the client's mood and his true needs? How to convince the most intractable? How to avoid stress by working as a seller? Igor Zorin answers all these questions in his book, offering simple rules, available techniques and techniques necessary for any manager and seller.

Who cares about the book
1. Those who begin their careers as a sales manager or as a salesperson.
2. Those who are related to sales by type of activity and want to improve their performance.
3. Those who are interested in psychology, questions of manipulation, influence, hidden and explicit impact.
4. Those who want to learn to understand the hidden motives of other people's behavior.
5. Those who want to learn to resolve any conflicts with the benefit for themselves.

Five Reasons to Read a Book
1. The author of the book has a successful experience of building his own business.
2. The author is the head of the Center for Management Psychology "Premier", whose main activities are training, assessment and consulting of managers of different levels, the author of developing and evaluating business games, the leader of business camps.
3. The book is written clearly, with humor and life examples.
4. The book is suitable for both experienced "salespeople" and beginners.
5. The book is interesting to all who want to understand the motives of people's behavior.

"It often happens that the comfort zone for some is a sofa, in front of which there is a TV set, and this person is ready to leave it for days, weeks, or years, from time to time going out for bread. I personally know such people. A living corpse! If you mentally change his sofa for a coffin, no one will notice any changes.
The most interesting thing is that almost all money is beyond the comfort zone. From time to time we need to tear our shell of the comfort zone and go beyond it to take out money there in the external environment. This means that you have to do some work beyond the comfort zone. "

"Do not be afraid of your high time, boldly go to him, in any case, you can win, even when it seems that you lost."

"Any manager should be a little wizard, be able to make some transformations, this is the art of turning a potential client into just a client, just a client - into a satisfied customer, satisfied - in a constant, permanent - in a friend company."

"Each person has his own fear, and some do not have one, and even if not fear, then fear for sure." What can the client fear or fear? "