History of Russia, answers to technical tests OYUI.

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Responses to test technical OYUI are in a file word.

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Answers to tests OYUI latest, guarantee 100% of the results of the test to assess the 5.

The questions in the test:

1. The process of the state of origin of the Slavs shows

??skladyvanie nationwide market

??obrazovanie tribal alliances

??poyavlenie agriculture and animal husbandry

??poyavlenie clan

2. excerpt from the document: "If the wolf to the sheep got into the habit, it will take the whole flock, if not kill him, and this: if you do not kill him, it will destroy us all." They sent ambassadors to him, saying, "Why do you go back? You've picked a tribute "

??kreschenii Rus Prince Volodymyr

??pohode Oleg to Kiev

??idet talking about

??vosstanii Drevlyane against Prince Igor

??nashestvii Batu Khan

3. The invasion of the Tatars in the Russian land was preceded

??Nevskoe battle

??srazhenie Kulikovo

??Ledovoe Battle

??srazhenie on the river Kalka

4. During the nobles of medieval Russia, unlike patrimonial

??osvobozhdalis objection to military service

??byli hereditary landowners

??poluchali land for temporary use

??yavlyalis opponents centralized state

5. The political development of Russia in the XVII. characterizes

??usilenie influence of the church on the royal power

??oslablenie role Boyar Duma

??vozniknovenie estate-representative monarchy

??ogranichenie privileges of the nobility

6. Conclusion Deulino armistice ended the war





7. In an effort to accelerate the industrial development of Russia, Peter I

??zapreschaet forced labor in industry

??pooschryaet private enterprise

??izdaet decree "On the free cultivators"

??sokraschaet military spending

8. In the passage from a historical source "in people's minds ... especially from his past were given phenomenon, which particularly affected at the time of their imagination and sense of Largo, Cahul, Cesme Rymnik and victory celebrations, tears shed while reading" Mandate "The Commission in 1767, solemn assemblies, and governors of speech and noble leaders at the opening of the provincial institutions," -nazvany events in the reign

??Anny Ioannovna

I ??Petra

I ??Elizavety

??Ekateriny II

9. Early other events occurred

??nachalo Northern War

??zaklyuchenie Treaty of Nystad

??prisoedinenie Crimea to the Russian Empire

??nachalo Seven Years' War

10. The reason for growth of political reaction in the early 1820s.

??podgotovka to war with Napoleon

??rost revolutionary actions in the countries of Western Europe

??moschnaya peasant war

??podgotovka new palace coup

11. For the preservation of serfdom were





12. The course of reform in the government of Nicholas I carried

??S. Witte

??A. Arakcheyev

??P. Kiselev

??K. Pobedonostsev

13. According to the peasant reform in 1861, personally free peasants, to perform duties in favor of the landowner to enter into repurchase transactions, called





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