Herbal treatment

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C o n e r g n g

n e d p and l of B and E p e d a a t o r a

B and with Article I

general information about medicines

plants used by the people.

1. General information about medicinal plants

2. Collection of medicinal plants

3. Drying of medicinal plants

4. Storage of medicinal plants

5. General information about how to use and dosages of medicinal plants used by the people

B and with Article II medicinal plants

and their use in traditional medicine

1. The plants used by the people in the

2. Plants used in people with liver

and gall bladder

3. Plants used in people with the diseases of the genitourinary organs

4. Plants used in people with the diseases of the respiratory tract (lungs, throat)

6. The plants used in the nation for the treatment of rickets ("British disease") and scrofula

7. Plants used in people with heart disease

8. Poisonous plants used by the people as medicinal

traditional treatments, some bolez¬ney.

1. Diseases of the stomach

2. Diseases of the liver and gall bladder

3. Diseases of the genito-urinary organs

4. Respiratory diseases

5. Diseases of Children - rickets and scrofula

6. Traditional ways of treating eczema

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