FEFU WEBDidactor Territory marketing - 2 questions #4756

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FEFU Territory marketing Kiricek Andrej Igorevic

Computer Exam - Territory marketing - Zacteno
1. Metody informazionnogo prodvijenia goroda. Vybor informazionnyh kanalov vozdejstvia na zelevuu auditoriu.
2. Vidy strategii marketinga territorii po soderjaniu.

You get answers to questions for passing the Computer Exam in WEBDidactor (Didactor).
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Be sure to do a REWRITE (selection of synonyms) for the answers! If you pass without a rewrite, claims on the result are not considered!
Sites of unicalizers are searched for by the queries "text synonym", "text unicalizer".
First on the search now https://rustxt.ru/synonymizer , https://raskruty.ru/tools/synonymizer/
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