Escape from Tarkov RUBLES $ Bitcoins Instant Delivery  

In order to buy Escape from Tarkov rubles on RU EU US servers, you must contact the operator via chat, or the contacts listed on the seller’s profile page (Telegram / skype)
DELIVERY: To receive an order, please contact us to inform the operator about the order. Delivery time for an order takes from 5 minutes to 24 hours from the moment you contact the consultant and your readiness to receive the order.

If you liked our service, please leave a review. To do this, go to the page in the "My purchases" section, enter your e-mail address specified during purchases and follow the instructions to get a list of the goods you bought. Select an item and leave a review at the bottom of the page.

Remember that the services for buying and selling game currency are provided at your own risk. The purchase of game currency itself is prohibited by the rules of the game and the administration of game projects has the right to collect the purchased game currency from you or even block your account. By purchasing this product, you are agreeing to these rules and must be aware of this.