Effective promotion of the communities in contact from A to Z

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They laughed at me when I told them that the community will create in contact and I will earn it, but had stopped when he saw the result .......

Sat 37 pages of practical information, will make of you a real businessman, for whom making community in contact and to sell it in advertising or the service is not a problem ...

From the above techniques, you'll learn:

What earnings on the community - it is work.

At what level should leave your community to begin to bring you a great income.

3 reasons due to which 95% of beginners do not reach their goals.

What are some ways you can make today to the community in touch.

How to determine the profitability of the subjects, and what do not expect.

For whatever scheme is to make a community.

In the introduction, together with you, we will:

We will solve the issue of how to choose the concept sooobschestva

You come up with a "special" chip community

Will understand what topics are the most popular communities

If the head does not become the name of the community, you apply the "secret" option

Creators emotional when creating and maintaining community

Learn what is the fundamental difference from the community group

Understand how to promote better community

Learn how to fill Community the right content

You know how many positions are optimally placed in day

What types of positions are most effective

How to test the subject community

Consider the basic effectiveness ratios

Look inside the communities that have the prospects to develop, and which do not.

In the second block we will contact you:

To answer the main question: "How to attract subscribers?"

You will learn a minimum budget necessary for this purpose.

Will understand in any community is to advertise and what to avoid.

On what parameters to look to find an advertising platform.

Remember what advertising positions are best placed to maximum effect was.

Will understand by "bones" type of advertising posts, that you can do to further their constituents.

Know the conditions, at which the lowest value of the subscriber

What does the community administrator

What secret techniques can increase viral posts to their laykali and repost

And also remember the types of positions that cause the greatest interest of the audience

From the third unit, we learn:

What communities need to work together, and with which there is no

Why is not profitable to use the official targeted advertising for the promotion of community VKontakte

Learn how a top vkontatkta, as well as its significant differences

The fourth unit - the monetization:

As located in the communities of direct advertising, as well as its effective frequency

You will learn to make advertising posts, which will give the maximum number of clicks

You will understand what types of advertising posts provide maximum response

Learn example enticing tag for placing news

Sort out with any affiliate program is profitable

How to get the most revenue from affiliate programs

Which video services can perfectly earn

Consider business projects with an eye to the future

You will see examples of monetization of its services

We tell you what details you need to do (and what NOT to do) ...

We'll take you by the hand and will guide you step by step all the way, saying what to do in this step that the next, and that the third ... as if I'm with you all the time. Doubt and indecision that have plagued self-taught beginners to elude you.

We show you how to think and act successfully ...

We will look on the shelves real examples of successful communities are ready, so that you are so impregnated with understanding of schemes of work, it becomes a part of you ... After that - to wake you up at 4am and asked the question "What are the ways of monetization of public exist?&quo
Every day on the Internet somebody buys something. And now you can sell not only products, but also just - information.

Today, the sale of information on the internet people are making thousands of dollars a month. Someone even become millionaires, and this is not a fairy tale.

Do you have a burning desire to move forward? Then take your technique, create a Public and earn!

I hope that the procedure will remove the rose-colored glasses to many beginners.

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