CS: GO - Set of 5 cards - ACTION

Sold 1011
Refunds 18
Good feedbacks 308
Bad feedbacks 0

¦ When purchasing this product you will receive a set of 5 cards from the game Counter-Strike: Global offensive.

¦ Transfer sets of cards going through the menu exchange on Steam.


The set consists of 5 cards:


¦ Anarchist

¦ Balkan





What are the cards


¦ Cards allow to obtain an icon Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in your Steam profile;

¦ 5 sets of cards let you get 5 levels of icons. Each icon adds 100 experience;

¦ Also for higher level icon on Steam you'll receive emoticons, backgrounds for CS: GO

CAUTION HOW TO OBTAIN ADDITIONAL BONUS weapons? Leave your positive feedback and reported to the seller! AND SUBJECT OF YOUR! =)))
For subjects reported a unique code and links to shopping EXCHANGE:

1. Option - where a link exchange (the fastest and correct!):

1.1 Click the "Inventory";

1.2 Click on the "exchange offer" (blue button on the right-top);

1.3 Click on "Who can send me the exchange offer?" (Right column)

1.4 Scroll down and there you will see a link

(2nd way to find the link)

2.1 Follow the link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/csgoloungeactomuchs/tradeoffers/privacy;

2.2 Login Steam;

2.3 Scroll down and there you'll see a link.

Make sure that you have enabled in the settings of "Steam Guard" and allowed the exchange of objects within the platform Steam.

Thank you for your positive feedback, we will delight you in the future!

Just pay attention to:
DOTA 2 - Random / Random thing-a rarity on YOUR CHOICE - http://www.zaplaty.com/asp/pay.asp?idd=1640823

DOTA 2 - Random thing MYTHICAL + ACTION - http://www.zaplaty.com/asp/pay.asp?idd=1782120

DOTA 2 - occasional RARE + ACTION - http://www.zaplaty.com/asp/pay.asp?idd=1782119

DOTA 2 - Random thing UNCOMMON + ACTION - http://www.zaplaty.com/asp/pay.asp?idd=1782118

DOTA 2 - Casual Courier MYTHICAL or LEGENDAR + ACTION - http://www.zaplaty.com/asp/pay.asp?idd=1408738

DOTA 2 - Random commentator MYTHICAL + ACTION - http://www.zaplaty.com/asp/pay.asp?idd=1820380

DOTA 2 - Random thing LEGENDARY + ACTION - http://www.zaplaty.com/asp/pay.asp?idd=1837466

DOTA 2 - Random thing IMMORTAL + ACTION - http://www.zaplaty.com/asp/pay.asp?idd=1837467

CS: GO - Random Weapon / Random Weapons - ACTION - http://www.zaplaty.com/asp/pay.asp?idd=1698754

CS: GO - Random Prohibited Weapon - discounts, bonuses - http://www.zaplaty.com/asp/pay.asp?idd=1845594

CS: GO - Random Sticker / Random sticker - ACTION - http://www.zaplaty.com/asp/pay.asp?idd=1702511

CS: GO - Set of 5 cards - ACTION - http://www.zaplaty.com/asp/pay.asp?idd=1811188

Good luck and all the best! ;)