Course - Organization certification of sales staff

Job type: Coursework

Discipline: Human Resource Management

Subject: Organization of certification of sales staff (for example, OOO "Stradivarius CIS")


Introduction ..... 3

1 Theoretical aspects of personnel evaluation ...... 5

1.1 The organization as a function of control .... 5

1.2 Personnel Certification as a method of evaluating employees' business characteristics of trade enterprises .... 9

1.3 The legal mechanism for regulating trade enterprise certification of personnel ........ 19

2 Analysis of the certification of personnel in OOO "Stradivarius CIS") 25 ...

2.1 Organizational and personnel characteristics of "Stradivarius CIS" ... 25

2.2 Assessment of the organization of personnel certification of "Stradivarius CIS" ... 31

2.3 Development of recommendations to improve the organization of certification of personnel in OOO "Stradivarius CIS" .... 40

Summary ...... 45

Bibliographic list ..... 48

Features: Term paper on the subject "Human Resource Management" is set out on page 58, includes 9 figures, 1 table, 2 applications. When writing used 28 sources.

Completion Year: 2013

Rating: Excellent (Instructor: A. Frolov)

Antiplagiat - 61%