Clarion. Programmer's Guide.

Clarion programming language designed for writing vysokoka-

Commercial-quality business programs in relation to computers.

The language is familiar, comfortable and has the properties of the previous

Languages \u200b\u200bwith some fresh new ideas. Syntax clear and joint

Belt, attracting well as professional programming.

Clarion pazvivalsya on the premise that computer, you must

for commercial use. The biggest use of mini -

computers - common programs written for (and usually posreds-

Twomey) company that uses them. The most common commercial

application solutions for desktop computers - a spreadsheet,

word processing, control software for databases.

Companies want to regular programs and computers at low prices.

Microcomputers have a price, and powerful enough to solve the ordinary

programs. The reason why so few business applications

desktop computer that high quality programs hard to write,

a program that is easy to write not good enough.

Clarion language can be extended by operators and functions napi-

sledding in other programming languages. Expansion modules language

ka (language extension module (LEM)) must meet the requirements

and be treated utility DOS EXE2BIN. Many libraries today may

Gut be ispolzolvany as modules such as LEM.