APP 7.02/7.03+5.98/5.99$ Reg TR до 06.09

If the total amount of your purchases from the seller Luckybonus more than:
- 500 $ the discount is 15%
- 300 $ the discount is 12%
- 200 $ the discount is 10%
- 100 $ the discount is 8%
- 50 $ the discount is 6%
- 10 $ the discount is 4%
- 5 $ the discount is 3%

Sold 100
Refunds 1
Good feedbacks 28
Bad feedbacks 0

Only for experienced users
The seller does not guarantee a successful order, he only provides an account with a coupon.
If the order is closed or a payment error has occurred, a refund and exchange will not be made.
If you are not satisfied with these conditions, do not buy a coupon.
Attention! You may need to verify your account by phone. There is no verification at the time of sale.

Account format login: password
Registration of accounts on the IP of Turkey
Do not try to place an order on your phone without resetting to factory settings, your order may be closed.
Use credit and virtual cards. A bank card can be used for purchases with a coupon on Aliexpress two or three times. After that, you need to use a new card.

This coupon can be used for purchases in Aliexpress stores.
The coupon works for Turkey.
The coupon does not work for Algeria, Morocco, Pakistan, Korea, Italy, France, Spain, Poland, Belgium.

After payment, you will receive a login password for your Aliexpress account, which has a discount coupon for buying any product or several products on Aliexpress. The discount does not apply to shipping. After purchasing this account, you can create a mailbox on and have full access to your account.
The coupon is valid for a limited time, try to use it within 24 hours after purchase.
Account verification for account access and coupon availability within an hour after purchase.
When purchasing this account you automatically agree to the terms - use clean IP addresses, browser incognito, change recipient data, payment credit card not previously used to make purchases on Aliexpress.(brief instructions inside) If you ignore these conditions, your order may be closed and the money returned to your account.
The guarantee is only for the presence of a coupon on your account. All risks of placing an order are assumed by the buyer. There is no refund for the purchased coupon.