⚛️Amazon: PUBG :Premium Supply Pack #8 (500G-COINS)⚛️

Instant issue of goods!
Support in case of non-working account!

Content #8

Gold G-Coin Box
10 Contraband Coupons
30 Polymers

This item only includes a PUBG game reward, no other games are included!

The account will be in the form login:password

Data from Amazon and mail is the same

Account without a Prime subscription

The pack will be announced, you just need to link Amazon to your game account, following the instructions below.

Connection instructions: (if it comes without mail, then skip steps 6 and 7)

1. Follow the link https://accounts.krafton.com/;
2. Log in to your game account if it has not been authorized;
4. Next, click Link in front of amazon;
5. You will be transferred to a tab where you will need to enter the purchased data (i.e. amazon account);
6. Enter the mail https://firstmail.ltd/webmail/login;
7. In the confirmation letter, click "Approve or Deny", then in the tab that opens, click "Approve;
8. Click the Allow button;
9. Everything is ready, re-enter the game.