AM Tartak Big golden book treatment without drugs (fifth book)

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The fifth part. Bioenergy treatment. Every living entity has the aura. From childhood, each of us is surrounded by energy-field, which permeates all the organs. It comes with us. It is written, who we are, what we will be. It depends on us how to dispense with our "data bank". We - a piece of the cosmos, aura - our calling card. With damage to the bio-field start many diseases. "When broken my aura, I do not wonder. I began to empty as cheese, in holes. I took all the energy "- the patient described his feelings. The ancestors were more intelligent: extant ancient ways to protect the bio-field. You will know about them!

The most effective way to treat a national think Tibetan acupressure. It does not require special facilities, equipment, sports equipment. It can be done while sitting watching television, bus, plane and so on. D.

Comprehensive massage with elements of a point - a great tool. It is an ancient Chinese method of treatment, which is kept secret. It passed only "hands"; no icon or hieroglyph could not fix anything - just to remember. This massage, including the work of all systems of the body, removes people from the abyss of the disease, from the operation. In healthy - do prevention: to run all of the system. And then instead of the flu - a light cold, instead of asthma - a light cough, instead of allergies - itchy weak. Children recover faster than adults. As soon as they cleared energy channels, quickly begins the process of self-improvement.

Yes and no massage is rather "acupuncture" effects on bioactive points using delicate and sensitive fingers. And a set of strokes. How to determine the intensity of the strokes? The Chinese give a definition - "Flutter butterfly on a flower." A stronger pressing? - "Dragon rises from the bottom of the pond." A discreet vibration? - "Churning sip cognac at the bottom of a deep glass."

Bone setting - a dangerous procedure. Especially when the "right" neck: drastically pulled his head from side to side. There are "piercing" and rough indentation vertebrae. We desired effect is achieved gradually, without any risk - 5-7 sessions, carefully millimeter moving vertebrae. The method is absolutely safe.

So this book - stretched a helping hand. Everyone can rely on it. Recipes of traditional medicine tested for centuries, has long been saving people. They help you!

very unique thing that has helped more than one ten people