⭐ WOT Ranked Battles 2022 RU/EU

Sold 27
Refunds 0
Good feedbacks 10
Bad feedbacks 0

Be sure to check the box next to the code that you trust the seller and provide a unique code, or send a unique product code to the order after the payment has been made. The code will be provided to you after payment.

Important: When ordering, you are not playing in ranked battles.

To perform the service, we need :
- MT, HT, TD Tier 10 (specify the possibility of performing the service and the price)
- possibility to retrain the crew
- 3 million silver, if the service is from 0 to 10 rank (in most cases, silver will remain). If you dont have enought silver , we can farm it , check other our goods and services.
- 3 modules at the discretion of the driver
- 100 gold for changing modules (if needed)
The timeframe for getiing 0-10 rank is 1-2 days.

Ranked Battles 2020–2021 Regulations:

Important: When ordering, you are not playing in ranked battles.