Vladimir Shitov - "Echoes of past enmity" (pdf)

- Listen, man, you got to smoke is not there? - Addressed to a stranger's urban. Tall, with a carelessly thrown over his head hooded jacket, he willingly responded to his request and walked away with the guys in the side's urban hurrying away from the flow of passengers. Put in the side pockets jackets beer bottles, a stranger from the upper side pocket pulled out a pack of cigarettes "BAM" and suggested's urban. - And now, lad, take off your jacket, because it does not suit you. Before the car and without it you run so far - Beetle took out a knife and held it to his stomach Man. - So what are you, rob me? - Not frightened, but rather surprised, I have asked the city's metropolitan. - You have the right savvy, falcon - confirmed's urban. - I love beer, you can leave it to yourself? - Naively I asked a guy with such nonchalance, if not robbed him, but someone else. - Leave! - Deigned Beetle, satisfied that the robbery takes place so easily, it can be said, in an atmosphere of mutual understanding.