PIN K12 Megadrom (nominal 5 USD)

We offer PIN K12 cheaper nominal 10%. This PIN, par value 5usd, used for instant recharge account. What you need accommodation in the ad unit at different sites participating K12 Megadrom?

By placing links (ads) in this block, you get the right 100-1000 advertising sites from our members in the advertising sponsor K12 Megadrom !. Just 15 cents a day, you will be placed immediately on the set areas of our members. This will significantly increase the inflow of your customers. Cost of these targeted visitors will be much less than $ 0.0001. To raise the TCI and PR recommend placing for 2 months!

This is a great opportunity for beginners promotion projects!

TOTAL TCI unit = 520, PR = 18 (only the actual data)